

How it works

Pre Construction

In this stage, IDEAS team develops a detailed project plan, including timelines, budgets, and resource allocation. This plan also includes potential risks or challenges that may arise during the construction phase, and helps Clients to prequalify candidate stakeholders for every discipline or activity, for every Period, Phase, and Stage of the project.


During the construction phase, IDEAS will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations, including coordinating the work of different teams and ensuring that the project is progressing on schedule and within budget. IDEAS will also be responsible for addressing any issues that arise and making adjustments as necessary to keep the project on track.

Post Construction

After the construction phase is complete, IDEAS will work with the team to ensure that the project is properly closed out, including conducting a final review, collecting and analysing data, and identifying areas for improvement for future projects. IDEAS will also ensure that all necessary documentation and reports are completed and submitted to the Client for their records.


A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Site Surveys

A site survey is an assessment of a property or land that is carried out to gather information about the site’s conditions, features, and limitations. It’s a process of collecting data, analysing it, and providing a report to the client.

The purpose of a site survey is to provide accurate information about the property or land to the client, so they can make informed decisions about the project, such as identifying potential risks, assessing the feasibility of the project, and determining the best design solutions.

Design Management

Design management is the process of managing the design of a construction project, from the initial concept to the final construction documents. It includes the management of design teams, coordination with other project stakeholders, and the development of design solutions that meet the project’s goals and requirements.

In IDEAS, our main goal of design management is to ensure that the design of a construction project is aligned with the project’s objectives, is feasible, and meets the regulatory requirements and industry standards.

A few steps, typically include:
  • Developing a design brief that defines the project’s goals, objectives, and requirements
  • Assembling and managing a design team, including architects, engineers, and other design professionals
  • Coordinating the design process, including communication and collaboration between the design team and other project stakeholders
  • Reviewing and approving the design solutions and documents
  • Managing the design budget and schedule
  • Managing the procurement of design services

Tender and Procurement Management

Tender and procurement management is the process of acquiring goods, services and works from external suppliers or contractors. It involves the management of all aspects of the procurement process, from the initial identification of the need, through to the selection of the supplier or contractor and the negotiation of the contract.

In IDEAS, we effectively manage the tendering and procurement process, not only we ensure that the project is delivered on time, within budget and to the required quality but also help to mitigate risks and ensure the best value for money.

A few steps, typically include:
  • Identifying the need for goods, services, or works
  • Preparing a detailed scope of work, specifications, and requirements
  • Advertising the opportunity and inviting potential suppliers or contractors to submit a proposal
  • Evaluating and comparing the proposals received to select the supplier or contractor that best meets the project’s requirements
  • Negotiating the terms and conditions of the contract

Value Engineering

Value engineering is a systematic process of analysing the functions of a project to find the most cost-effective solution that meets the project’s goals and requirements, while also taking into consideration the project’s schedule and budget.

In IDEAS, value engineering is a continuous process that is carried out throughout the project’s lifecycle, it’s a valuable tool that helps to optimise the project’s design, reduce costs, and improve performance. Our main goal in value engineering is to provide the client with the best value for their investment. We are a team of experts who evaluates the project’s goals and requirements, and then uses a variety of techniques to identify and develop cost-effective solutions that meet or exceed the required performance.

A few steps, typically include:
  • Identifying the project’s goals, objectives, and requirements
  • Assembling a team of experts, including engineers, architects, and other professionals
  • Analysing the project’s functions to identify opportunities for cost savings and improved performance
  • Developing and evaluating alternative solutions
  • Selecting the most cost-effective solution that meets or exceeds the required performance
  • Implementing the selected solution


Plans are worthless. Planning is essential.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Time, Scope and Budget Management

Time, scope and budget management are essential elements of any construction project. They are the foundation upon which a project’s success is built, and they need to be effectively managed to ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget and to the required level of quality.

Time management is critical to ensure that the project is completed on schedule. It involves creating a project schedule that includes all the tasks, milestones and deadlines for the project, and then monitoring the progress of the project to ensure that it is on track to be completed on time. This includes identifying and addressing any potential delays, and implementing corrective actions to keep the project on schedule.

Scope management is crucial to ensuring that the project meets the client’s requirements and expectations. It involves creating a detailed project scope that defines what is included in the project, and then monitoring the project to ensure that all the requirements are met. This includes identifying and addressing any scope creep, and implementing corrective actions to keep the project within scope.

Budget management is vital to ensuring that the project is completed within budget. It involves creating a project budget that includes all the costs for the project, and then monitoring the project to ensure that it stays within budget. This includes identifying and addressing any cost overruns, and implementing corrective actions to keep the project within budget.

In IDEAS, we believe that effective time, scope and budget management are essential for the success of any construction project. We help to ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and to the required level of quality, which is important for the satisfaction of the client and the success of our business.

EOT Determination

EOT (Extension of Time) determination is a process in the construction industry that is used to determine whether a delay in the completion of a construction project was caused by a “relevant event” (such as an act of God, a change in the scope of work, or a delay by the owner) and, if so, whether an extension of time (EOT) is justified.

In IDEAS, The process of EOT determination typically begins with the identification of a delay and the determination of whether the delay was caused by a relevant event. This may involve reviewing project documentation, interviewing project participants, and analysing project data. Once the cause of the delay has been determined, the next step is to evaluate the impact of the delay on the project schedule. This may involve analysing the critical path of the project, identifying any delays to the completion of individual activities, and determining the effect of the delay on the overall completion date. The final step in the EOT determination process is to determine whether an extension of time is justified. This will typically involve considering the cause of the delay, the impact of the delay on the project schedule, and any other relevant factors such as the contract terms and conditions.


The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Abraham Lincoln

Claim and Dispute Management

Claim management is the process of identifying, evaluating, and resolving claims that are made by one party (such as a contractor or subcontractor) against another party (such as a developer or owner) during a construction project. Claims can be related to issues such as delays, cost overruns, or breaches of contract.

Dispute management, on the other hand, is the process of resolving disputes that have escalated to the point where formal dispute resolution mechanisms (such as arbitration or litigation) are required.

In IDEAS, our goal of claim management is to resolve disputes fairly and efficiently, and to avoid or minimise any disruption to the project schedule or budget. Dispute management on the other hand may involve mediation, negotiation, or other forms of alternative dispute resolution, and our goal is to resolve disputes in a fair and cost-effective manner.

Handover and Snag Reports

Snagging and handover reporting are important processes in the construction industry that ensure that a building or property is completed to the required standard before it is handed over to the client.

In IDEAS, we can identify and rectify any defects or issues with a building or property before it is handed over to the client.

Get in touch

Feel free to reach out to discuss your ideas with us.

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